Coisas de Lã

feitas à mão pela Jacky

almofadas em feltro Abril 27, 2008

Filed under: Almofadas,Felt,Feltro,Feutrine — jacky @ 3:54 pm

almofada golfinhos perto

almofada pormenores

Almofadas começadas em Junho de 2007…

almofada flores
almofada golfinho

I started this pillow a year ago… and shame on me, I only finished it tonight…
It’s made of felt and beads…

Comecei esta almofada há um ano e vergonha, vergonha, só a acabei hoje… Foi feita de feltro e missangas…


fome? hungry? Abril 12, 2008

Filed under: Felt,Feltro — jacky @ 4:52 pm


1. felt food, 2. tutorial to make icing cream in felt food cakes, 3. kiddy – food stamps, 4. Amigurumi Food, 5. felt food aug 07 008, 6. Felt Food for a custom order, 7. crafting 365 :: 14 days worth :: 340 cupcakes, 8. Play Food, 9. Burger and Fries, 10. Tiny Fimo Food from One Hour Craft, 11. Crafting 365, day 184 – Tasty Cakes, 12. Tiny polymer clay chocolate dipped strawberries, 13. Wee Ones Pizza Party

1. Cupcake brooches _ Broches Pastelillos, 2. Felt Cake, 3. felt tea time, 4. petits_fours2, 5. Bolo Chantili, 6. fruit bowl softie, 7. Cupcake Bliss!!, 8. Valentine’s Day Felt Sugar Cookie Set, 9. TJ-P4, 10. IMG_3312, 11. coconut buns, 12. Untitled, 13. carrots and peas


colares de cama Abril 11, 2008

Filed under: Colares,Crochet — jacky @ 12:12 am


Made at bed as I’m not feeling ok these days…


spring cards swap Abril 5, 2008

Filed under: Swap,Troca — jacky @ 3:33 pm

spring notecard mosaicpostais primaveris

Swap hosted by Tara Holt, made between Priki, Cats or Dog, Metallyptica, Miscellena, Tara and Jacky at the 5 things group at flickr